Rendiamo il mondo più gustoso


Carciofi Fritti
carciofi marinati, parmigiano, pangrattato

9 €
penne, guanciale, aglio, pecorino, salsa di pomodoro, peperoncino, basilico

15 €
salsa di pomodoro, bresaola, mozzarella, chorizo, pomodorini, parmigiano, rucola

17 €
Carpacсio di manzo
fettine di manzo crude, parmigiana, rucola, maionese al tartufo

9 €


Best Pizza Margherita you can get in Spain! Staffs are very friendly and they have special offers during lunch time, so you can enjoy fresh pizzas with drinks for very resonable price. Highly recommend!
Both the food and drinks were fantastic. The pizza and the cheesecake (that you can see in the picture) are definitely recommended!
Excellent pizza specially the goat and honey, everything was tasteful and the service was very friendly
Hyeri Cho
Abdulla Ahmed
Anna Shipsha
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
I would recommend the pizzas over the pastas though as I had the bolognese and it can be a bit more flavorful but it was still pretty good.
Very nice place and excellent waiters. Pizza and risotto were very good!!
Great little restaurant on the main walking street in Marbella near the sea. We eat there two times and both time food was so delicious and taste. They make real Italian pizza and pizza chef make it excellent.
Alex Lan
Vlajko Petroviċ
Alex Huygen
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Stumbled upon this little pizzeria by coincidence when walking along the old port. The place is cute, the service is friendly and the pizza is superb! I'll definitely come back again for the pizza.
Cozy, sweet and very inviting restaurant with polite and great service I ever saw in Marbella.
Excellent food, friendly staff, nice atmosphere
Raya Alkhatib
Farah Arnaoot
Viacheslav Smirnov
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Incredible place with high level of food quality, definitely best pizza I’ve ever tried here in Marbella. Serving also specialty coffee
Delicious food and awesome service!
Good food, thanks Saulo.
Choose the honey@goat pizza.
Alex. K.
Gréta Kelemen
Amar Mehta
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Excellent pizza - and next to a super Gelato shop where yoi
Best pizza we had in a very long time! The waiter was very nice and frinedly!
Great food served by amazing team.
Highly recommend
Anders Aarskog Nesse
Amir Chitsaz
Maria Stanescu
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Excellent pizza specially the goat and honey, everything was tasteful and the service was very friendly
Abdulla Ahmed
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Best Pizza Margherita you can get in Spain! Staffs are very friendly and they have special offers during lunch time, so you can enjoy fresh pizzas with drinks for very resonable price. Highly recommend!
Hyeri Cho
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Both the food and drinks were fantastic. The pizza and the cheesecake (that you can see in the picture) are definitely recommended!
Anna Shipsha
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
I would recommend the pizzas over the pastas though as I had the bolognese and it can be a bit more flavorful but it was still pretty good.
Alex Lan
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Great little restaurant on the main walking street in Marbella near the sea. We eat there two times and both time food was so delicious and taste. They make real Italian pizza and pizza chef make it excellent.
Vlajko Petroviċ
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Very nice place and excellent waiters. Pizza and risotto were very good!!
Alex Huygen
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Stumbled upon this little pizzeria by coincidence when walking along the old port. The place is cute, the service is friendly and the pizza is superb! I'll definitely come back again for the pizza.
Raya Alkhatib
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Excellent food, friendly staff, nice atmosphere
Farah Arnaoot
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Cozy, sweet and very inviting restaurant with polite and great service I ever saw in Marbella.
Viacheslav Smirnov
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Incredible place with high level of food quality, definitely best pizza I’ve ever tried here in Marbella. Serving also specialty coffee
Alex. K.
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Good food, thanks Saulo.
Choose the honey@goat pizza.
Gréta Kelemen
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Delicious food and awesome service!
Amar Mehta
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Excellent pizza - and next to a super Gelato shop where yoi
Anders Aarskog Nesse
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Great food served by amazing team.
Highly recommend
Amir Chitsaz
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
Best pizza we had in a very long time! The waiter was very nice and frinedly!
Maria Stanescu
Comida 5/5
Servicio 5/5
Ambiente 5/5
I migliori sapori: dalla Margherita alla Focaccia, dalla Diavola alle ricette originali. Volete provare il tonno fresco e la bufala sulla pizza, o magari il formaggio di capra con il miele al tartufo? Venite a Chetolle per nuove scoperte!
Una vera pizza napoletana, delicata e croccante allo stesso tempo, può essere preparata solo in un forno a legna. Noi utilizziamo un forno Valoriani!
13 tipi di pizza napoletana
C'è qualcosa di meglio per accompagnare un'esperienza gastronomica? Gli ospiti de Le Chetolle possono godere di una vista mozzafiato sul porto di Marbella mentre assaporano una deliziosa cucina italiana su una terrazza all'aperto.
Forno toscano in terracotta
Una vista mozzafiato sul porto

Siete pronti a riscoprire la cucina italiana? Prenotate un tavolo e partite per un viaggio culinario indimenticabile!

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Lu-Gi: 12:00 – 23:00
Ve-Do: 12:00 – 23:00